APCON: Comprehensive solutions
The APCON lighting & building control system combined with RIDI Group’s diverse range of lighting solutions are what make comprehensive, coordinated solutions for your projects possible. The services we provide as part of our RIDI Group 360° portfolio round off our offer and mean that you get complete solutions from a single source.
From intelligent room-based lighting controls to individual object, and industrial building control solutions for the most demanding applications – with the APCON portfolio, you are guaranteed all the possible options.
APCON lighting control components and the luminaires they control are intelligent and networkable. When used with the corresponding gateways, they provide the ideal infrastructure for using sensor and luminaire data – APCON: the gateway to the Internet of Things.
Project support right from the start and with a holistic approach – this is RIDI Group’s promise to you!

RIDI Group’s APCON lighting and building control system meets the requirements for lower energy consumption for lighting systems. It reduces CO2 emissions and increases service life with features ranging from reduced power consumption to completely switching the lighting system off via sensors.
APCON offers great ease of use with elements such as touch panels, apps, dimmers, push-button couplers, and the option of connecting user-specific control panels. Adaptations resulting from changes in use or expansions are easy to implement and provide a maximum of flexibility.
See this example of a normal office routine:
previously, the lights were usually switched on in the morning and off again in the evening, regardless of whether it was a sunny summer’s day or a dark winter’s day. With APCON, the lighting can be switched on with the help of sensors when people are present and can be dimmed depending on the available daylight.
If you compare the diagrams that show the actual energy consumption with and without DALI lighting control, you immediately get an idea of how much energy can be saved.
Another example is the amount of energy you can save when you compare new to old installations after refurbishing with LED lighting. Simply by switching to LED lighting, you can save up to 65% of energy.
Then, by adding presence detectors, daylight control, and switch-off functions, or a combination of these tools, you can increase savings to 85%.
APCON lighting and building control solutions are designed to work in harmony with RIDI Group’s highly efficient lighting systems.
It makes sense to only have the lights on when, where, and as much as you actually need them!