Return and disposal of technical luminaires in Germany
The European WEEE directive obliges all manufacturers, importers and distributors of electrical and electronic products to take back end-of-life luminaires when these are no longer required. The regulations differ in the various European countries.
Ruling in Germany:
The European Directive has been implemented by the “Electric and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG)”. In Germany, technical luminaires fall within the scope of this legislation.
RIDI undertakes responsibility for the disposal of all RIDI products distributed since August 13, 2005. The relevant products are marked by a symbol showing a wheelie bin crossed through with a black bar underneath it.

Information for the last owner
Acceptance and disposal of luminaires bearing the described symbol takes place exclusively through the disposal service provider commissioned by RIDI, the company ISD Interseroh Dienstleistungs GmbH in Cologne. Collection points where end-of-life luminaires will be accepted near you are listed here:
Luminaires can be returned from March 24, 2006 onwards. The costs for delivery of end-of-life luminaires to the disposal facility is borne by the last owner.
RIDI Leuchten GmbH is registered in the Electrical End-of-Life Equipment Register (EAR) under the registration number DE 70192297.
Manufacturers are under a legal obligation to accept return delivery and to dispose of electrical and electronic products including gas discharge lamps. For more information on this subject, click on the links.
- Our products are in compliance with EC directive 2002/95/EEC to limit the use of certain hazardous materials in electric and electronic devices (RoHS = Reduction of hazardous substances).
- Our products comply with the requirements of EC Directive 1907/2006/EG-REACH relating to the manufacture, distribution and utilization of chemical substances.
Since March 2006, manufacturers have been under an obligation to accept the return of and to dispose of gas discharge lamps. To address this requirement, German lamp manufacturers have formed a joint venture named LIGHTCYCLE, whose function is to accept returned spent energy saving lamps and fluorescent tubes.
For more information and the location of a free collection point near you, click here: